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Lucretia Thornton RN., JD. :

“Hi Cathy Just a note to tell you,

“...what a 'God-send' your products have been for my little mustang, Beauty. As you know, I have had her for about 6-7 years. I rescued her when she was on her way to slaughter, and found that she suffered from horrible diarrhea. We tried everything to treat it ie.lab work, consults with Purdue University, multiple antibiotics, every possible combination of hay and horse feed, medication like pepto bismal,probiotics etc.

“I literally spent thousands of dollars and she still continued to deteriorate. Recently lab work disclosed she had EPM. Her titers were high(64) and she underwent a course of antibiotics for that. Her labs revealed she was now bleeding somewhere. In desperation, I actually prayed for help and then while looking up EPM on my computer found your website. and called you about the problem.Your recommendations and guidance saved her life. As you advised, I immediately put her on live pro-biotics. Her diet was changed to plain, unprocessed oats and bran, and grass / alphalfa hay given her mustang heritage.

“Within days I saw an improvement and eventually as of a few weeks ago, her stools became totally normal and have remained that way!!! My vet just ran another series of basic labs and titers to see the status of the EPM infection. All labs were now totally normal, no more bleeding. Her new EPM titers were all down to 2, which is within the normal range. As an added bonus thanks to the protoProof, (which I also gave to my other horse), the last fecal tests showed that both horses now had zero parasite eggs and did not need the commercial wormers.

“The vet has now pronounced her totally well and able to be ridden. I am so happy and really appreciate all you have done for us. Have a good New Years. ”

“Sincerely, Lucretia Thornton RN., JD.”

UPDATE: June 13, 2013

Hi Cathy… “I finally learned how to work my new camera and thought you might like to see a current picture of Beauty. She is actually fat for the first time in her life, and is doing great. We actually rode her a couple of weeks ago and she is a darling with children. I can’t begin to thank you for saving her life with the Protoproof. My horses have not had to be wormed with commercial products for 8 months thanks to the product as well. (I give the left overs from beauty to my old blind horse)”


Kim Morton :

“Thanks so much,

“I tell everyone who cares about their horse that they need to look into Horsepowerherbs! Makes sense to me!”

“Sincerely, Kim Morton”



Janie Stockton's Horse, "Crafty" ... before treatment with Horsepower Herbs; bleeder, colic, ulcers“Hi Cathy, I can't thank you enough for helping Tommy. Your products are amazing!

“I noticed a difference in his behavior within four days of starting him on the herbs. He responded so well, that even my vet was amazed! He had been on and off for over a year, and never quite felt right. He is acting better than ever and is back in reining training. He is doing so well that I even let a friend of mine take him to the PRCA rodeo and use him as a flag horse.

Janie Stockton's horse "Crafty" after Horsepower Herbs treatment: coloc, ulcers, recovery


“I have an older stud horse that I have been having some trouble with. He has been acting colicky, but the vet thinks it is either ulcers or entroliths. I am taking him to Ocala in the morning to be scoped for ulcers, and will possibly need you to work some more magic.

I will keep you posted. I have passed your info to my vet and many friends.
Thanks Again, Nina


Janece Driggers:

“First of all I just want to express my gratitude for horsepower herbs. They have helped every one of our horses in one way or another.

“I wish I had before and after pictures of Rock, the nineteen year old gelding that my daughter rides in barrels and poles. Rock's hair was long and dingy, he was slowing down and just not looking good. Cathy suggested Happy Horse Complete™, Liver proof™, Photoproof™ and Equus Oil™. Within 10 days Rock looked like a different horse. He is so slick he looks wet. His muscles are more toned and he is definitely running better.

“I have another testimony about Bleedproof. We have a horse that was bleeding after running barrels. We were using lasix, the traditional "fix" for bleeders and it was not working very well. We would give our horse one half of the dosage and it still made him so hyped up he could hardly think. When we started him on the bleedproof he calmed down, was back to his old running style and the bleeding stopped.

“Horsepower herbs are amazing products, so amazing I asked Cathy if I could try them on myself. LOL

“I am a believer in Horsepower Herbs.”

Janece Driggers



Janie Stockton:

Janie Stockton's Horse, "Crafty" ... before treatment with Horsepower Herbs; bleeder, colic, ulcers“Cathy, Here is a testimonial and some pics. Hope this is helpful, we really appreciate what you do and wouldn't be competing without your products now!!!

“I have used Horse Power Herbs for 9 months and it has made a remarkable difference in my daughter's barrel racing horse. She was a bleeder, had a stomach ulcer and coliced when she came in heat.

Janie Stockton's horse "Crafty" after Horsepower Herbs treatment: coloc, ulcers, recovery


“After several months on the Horse Power Herbs I was able to take her off all other medication and she is performing better than ever. Her attitude it better, she recovers faster after races and doesn't colic in heat anymore.

“I will always incorporate Cathy's herbs in my training regimens.”



Ali Shaffer :

“Howdy Cathy!

“I am not sure if you remember me, but we met when you swung through Oklahoma to meet up with John Tibbets. Just wanted to send you an email saying thank you for all of your information! If I could only have a tiny piece of your knowledge; you are simply amazing! Your products have made a world of difference in my horse. That is a whole other story though…

“Again Cathy, thank you for taking the time to personally examine my horse Slick and for your personal recommendations.

Have a wonderful day!”



John Tibbets :

“Hi Friend,

“If I were rich instead of broke I would be broke for buying everything you recommended lol BUT I would have the healthiest horses in the world and that's the important thing lol!

“Just thought I would let you know how proud I am to have gotten to know you and your products,so proud that I find myself talking more about you and the products when I help someone to tune their horse! I start off by telling them that they need to contact you first, start there horse on HorsePower Herbs and get back with me in 30 days then go from there!

“The ones that have done that don't need me to help them after all - lol - its costing me money I would normally get for tuning up there horses but it prides me even more to be able to tell them I truly believe in HorsePower Herbs! So till whenever friend take care and thanks a much as always...

“Your most proud and envious friend and customer John Tibbets”



Lea Sharp :

Hi Cathy,

"I just wanted to let you know that Sugar is already doing better on the Lungproof after I increased her to 3 scoops for a few days. I also received the Master Immune Formula and Equisoil, which I started her on yesterday. I can actually put my ear to her throat and not hear the noisy breathing as much now! Not only that, she just looks like she feels better.

"I am so excited and thrilled with your products. They are a Godsend, especially considering I took her to 2 vets, had her on antibiotics, antihistamines, steroids, and over the counter supplements and none of it completely fixed her problem. I was told I may have to sell her to someone off the coast where she would not suffer from the allergies.

"Thank you again for all your help with Sugar. I am sending you a pic of my girls. The gray (actually red road appaloosa) is Sugar. She is the one we are treating. The paint is Zoe. She is the one I rescued last year."


Dave Dahms :

“Buster is CANCER FREE !!!! -

“Dr. called me at work tonight with the good news and to go over the surgery plans for thursday. He was actually excited to get the results and be able to tell me it was ALL GOOD !!!  I am going down to spend the day with buster tomorrow and meet the Dr and the people will get my horse back to normal for me.

“After thursday he wil be able to breathe again and I can't wait to see him doing it. 

“50/50 chance these might come back at some point so he will have to be checked every 6 months unless you can recommend something i can put him on to keep them at bay for good. I am so happy and so grateful - without your help in the beginning Cathy, Buster would not be having this outcome -- I firmly believe these herbs kept him healthy and slowed the growth and kept cancer away. Thank you so much -- and Toni, without your insight Buster would have been put down a month ago. 

“My gut kept telling me he would be ok and there was no cancer -- thank GOD i listened. I will keep you posted after the surgery - the vet is not too concerned over it so I am not either. I have faith.

“Thanks for saving my horse ... ”

UPDATE ON BUSTER - JUNE 22, 2011 ...  Hi-- yes, I have a wonderful perfect horse that is happier than ever and the picture of health. I can not describe how he acts now that the tumor is gone and he can breathe normally. We both are grateful and thankful. So glad I found you because without your help in the beginning this would be a different story. Thank you and bless you-- Dave


Christina Anastasi :

“Cathy -
“Thanks so much for everything!!!
“I have used Horsepower Herbs for over three years and have seen an extremely noticeable difference in the way my horses feel and perform.  One of my horses has had several soft tissue injuries that I have been unable to maintain.  He was sore more often than not and I was having a hard time finding a product that I believed was helping the problem. 

“I have had him on FlameProof™ and he has stayed sound and feels better than ever.   He has not taken a lame step or showed any sign of soreness since we started it.  I was using bute, banamine and others regularly to keep his soreness under control.  I know this product aids in keeping him comfortable, pain free and able to perform at his peak. 

“I have also seen a huge improvement after starting this same horse on LungProof™.  After only three days on it his coat turned a dark, rich brown and after a week his recovery time was cut in half after running barrels.  He breaths clearly more easily and I feel this has given him the ability to run harder and faster.  I owe a great deal of our success to Horse Power Herbs and have been completely satisfied with every product I have tried.”



Ian Wilkes and Carl Nafzger (trainer to Street Sense, winner of 2007 Kentucky Derby):

"We have used Horspower Herbs™ with consistent and reliable results for the past seven years."



Janine Bundy:

Blazin For Payday ("Rowdy") Idaho Barrel Futurity


“Cathy, Here is a picture of my horse Blazin For PayDay aka"Rowdy" winning the Idaho Barrel Futurity. 

“He went on to place third at the Hawki Futurity against the best horses in the country that year.

Blazin For Payday“Thank you for helping him regain his health!!!!!

“If you have a patch you want can send me I would be more thrilled to wear it during competition to advertise your amazing products!!

“Thanks again,
Janine Bundy"


Peter Walder (3rd leading trainer Gulfstream Park Racetrack Florida):

"Equus Oil™ is given to all my horses.  It flat out works."


Robin Smullens, assistant trainer to FunnyCide:

"Horsepower Herbs™ helped us get a mile and a quarter in the Kentucky Derby, Equus Oil™ improves stamina and conditioning."


Quote from trainer Doug Watson:

"We have been using many of the products from horsepowerherbs for the past three seasons with great success. Four of the products have been very valuable to us and I believe they helped our results.

"The Lungproof™ along with the Bleedproof really help with the horses that are bleeding in there races. In Dubai and most of the world "Lasix" is not allowed, so those two products have really cut down on our bleeders. The Raceproof has seemed to keep our horses very healthy and able to run more often, which is important here because our season is only 5 months long. Finally the Equisoil is a very high quality oil that seems to give the horses more energy and it also keeps their coats in great shape.

I would highly recommend any of the products from Horsepowerherbs.."


Quote from Tom Bush, trainer Belmont Park:

"I have noticed a marked improvment in the conditioning and performance of my horses with the use of HorsePower Herbs™"


Quote from Kirian McLaughlin:

"HorsePower Herbs™ has a comprehensive program for bleeders."


From Thoroughbred trainer Billy Cesare:

"... have used Horsepower Herbs™ on my top horses for three years with excellent results!"


From Julie Crews,

"Horse Power Herbs™ has given me my horse back. The GutProof™ is the best product out there for the horse's digestive track. HPH is by far the best!!! and I have tried all the rest!!!"


From Amy Brachthauser (on RaceProof™):

"We added RaceProof™ to my TB mare's diet when she was having a hard time keeping weight on. Adding the RaceProof™ alone led to significant and visible weight increase within just a few weeks. It is now a regular part of her feeding regiment."




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